147ax. Tennyson inspired by a newspaper article
Check out these weight loss images: 147ax. Tennyson inspired by a newspaper article Image by Jim Surkamp Made possible with the generous, community-minded support of American Public University Systems. All comment in the videos and posts of civilwarscholars.com are...
Intro to Acroyoga with Super Dave and Jfo
Some cool Yoga fitness images: Intro to Acroyoga with Super Dave and Jfo Image by jaimefok Our Into to Acroyoga workshop! WCU Students Doing Yoga Image by West Chester University 2018_07_12_WCU_RecCtr.Photo ©2018 Dan Z....
Some cool fitness images: 吃飽飽也照樣能健康減肥!邦泥的減肥成果 Image by in_future 邦泥,減肥四個月左右就甩掉 15 公斤,瘦下來以後整個人判若兩人!並沒有因為快速瘦下而顯得憔瘁,反而容光煥發! 感謝邦泥授權讓我整理轉貼她的減肥心得,完整的減肥文章在這邊: infuture.pixnet.net/blog/post/28309957 Spinning the night away… Image by jalexartis Nice setup ~ November...
Cool Yoga Fitness images
Some cool Yoga fitness images: #042 defibrillator at fitness club Image by Nemo’s great uncle I don’t know where it’s hidden, but my fitness club (セントラルフィットネスクラブ用賀 = "Central Fitness Club Yōga") acquired an automated external defibrillator...
Suunto 9 Peak Pro First Look: A Turning Point?
Suunto has announced their new Suunto 9 Peak Pro multisport watch, which takes the existing Suunto 9 Peak, and makes it a bit more ‘Pro’ through a variety of hardware and software updates. One could argue it’s actually the biggest internal hardware update that any...
Google Pixel Watch In-Depth Review: A Promising Start
After many years of rumors, hints, acquisitions, and probably a few false starts – the Pixel watch is finally here. The end resultant is largely what you’d expect in a first-generation watch from a major company: Something that appeals as broadly as possible, without...
Amazon Early Access Sports Tech Deals Round-Up
As you may have heard, Amazon is running a so-called “Early Access Sale” with Black Friday-like sale prices on October 11th and 12th. I’ve rounded up the best sports technology-related sales, or just sales on things that I like/use a fair bit....
Nice Weight Loss photos
Check out these weight loss images: Amy Smith Image by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity Photographer An intimate night with Dame Edna: New Jenny Craig ambassador performs at Civic Hotel, Sydney The Jenny Craig (Australia) official website reads: Dame Edna Everage is undoubtedly...