Check out these weight loss images:

The reasons you’re not losing weight on low carb
weight loss
Image by Stephen Pearson
Bathroom scales, a tape measure and fruit The reasons you’re not losing weight on low carb

Michelin Man
weight loss
Image by Christi Nielsen

The Chef.
weight loss
Image by Neil. Moralee
The notion of eating only when you are hungry isn’t really an option as a chef, “Like anything else in life, moderation is key – but I am sure for most chefs finding that balance is a daily challenge.”

I know, eating is one of life’s great pleasures. I had to drop to a mere 800 calories a day to loose weight. I started at 1500 a day no change despite taking up rowing.

1000 calories a day, the gain in muscle was offsetting the loss in fat.
800 calories a day and rowing and I lost 85 pounds in 16 months.

It was hard. But keeping it off is harder.