Some cool weight loss images:

Gym Back Exercises Fitness Models – Must Link to //
weight loss
Image by ThoroughlyReviewed
Please credit by linking to, NOT the flickr image.


Girl Culture
weight loss
Image by Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
curator’s statement (detail)

This is a 1 cup portion ~ 1 of 2 photos
weight loss
Image by Urban Woodswalker
I must admit, I have NEVER ever eaten the proper portions in my life! I grew up on Hispanic and Italian foods (my heritage). seconds and third bowls of pasta, for example made my mom the cook feel happy and validated.

Anyways, as of July 3rd, 2010 I started learning what 1 and 1/2 cup measurements were, as well as teaspoons and tablespoons. And USING those for my meal portions. 14 pounds lost in 5 weeks!

I also recently bought an Ozeri digital food scale and I LOVE that!

See next photo…