A few nice weight loss images I found:

Foever Lost, Forever Present (in red)
weight loss
Image by D.Munoz-Santos
Michelangelo’s Pieta Poem by Jay Haug

Slowly, carefully, hand over hand
His body lowered down
From the cross.
Mary reaches toward him,
Not knowing whether to assist
Or wait to receive it.

Casting around for a place,
Finally, she sits on Golgotha’s cold stone.
Where they lay him on her lap
A mother
Receiving her firstborn
But now in searing grief, not in joyful promise.

This moment is last, not first.
The last time she will hold him.
Last time she will see him.
Wanting this closeness to endure,
She lingers, ponders and weeps, alone.
Waiting for consolation she knows will never come.

Men who lifted him down retreat,
Respectfully, in backward steps,
Replaced by sorrow now in giant waves.
Accompanied by flowing tears
Down from her still youthful face, now worn,
Cascading on flowing garments to the ground.

Behold the man…his body slumped, head back,
Lifeless, spent, displayed across her in death,
Sheer weight releasing yet more anguish,
Remembrance of great promise, now become grim,
She contemplates the “piercing sword”
Because of him, the “rising and falling” of many.

Now it really is “finished.”
All is quiet like Bethlehem,
Bookends of his life cast in serenity.
As she sits, emptied now herself,
Peace seeps unexpectedly down inside
An undisturbed tranquility welcomed in solitude.

She thinks: what is to be, beyond this moment?
Why arise, when I know not where to go,
What to do
Or what the future holds without him?
So she stays and ponders unhurriedly
What eternity’s next move might be.

Jogging with our iPhones…
weight loss
Image by Ed Yourdon
Upper East Side, Central Park – Jun 2008 – 067

These pictures were taken on two successive days when I had doctor appointments on the Upper East Side of NYC, and had the chance to walk along Fifth Avenue, and then through Central Park in order to return to my apartment on the Upper West Side, at Broadway & 96th.

I had now reached the west side of the inner roadway that circumnavigates Central Park, and was heading north toward the exit on 96th Street. I was at about 94 Street at this point — looking east, with the reservoir in the background.

Note: this photo was published in a Dec 17, 2008 blog entitled "Dopo Jane Fonda." And it was also published in a Mar 4, 2009 blog entitled "Do You Exercise?" More recently, it was published in a Jul 2009 blog titled "Finalizar tus ejercicios de forma inteligente." And it was published in a Sep 2009 blog titled "Para perder esos dos kilos de más: incrementa la actividad física." It was also published in an undated (Nov 2009) blog titled "Chile: A correr en Providencia 10k." And it showed up, without any details, on an undated(Dec 2009) collection of "Stock photography" at Newbury Images. It was also published in an undated (Dec 2009) Jog4Life blog titled "Beginner Week One Marathon Training."

Moving into 2010, the photo was published in a Mar 25, 2010 blog titled "¿Una hora de ejercicio al día para no engordar en el tiempo?" It was also published in a Jul 1, 2010 blog titled "Stop stressing and start living: 10 quick stress busters." And it was published in an undated (Jul 2010) blog titled "Be Active for Healthy Diabetes." It was also published in an Aug 10, 2010 blog titled "Stay Safe with Your iPod." And it was published in an Aug 27, 2010 blog titled "How Playing Music Affects Your Exercise." It was also published in a Sep 21, 2010 blog titled "8 things my exercise program can teach you about helping your child with maths." And it was published in a Sep 23, 2010 blog titled "Jogging When You Are Overweight." It was also published in an undated (mid-Nov 2010) blog titled "Abdominal Fat – Abs Training to Lose Belly Fat – Four Exercise Tips." And it was published in a Nov 29, 2010 blog titled "Different strokes, blogging and podcasting." It was also published in a Dec 13, 2010 blog titled "Top 6 Exercise Routines To Do At Home."

Moving into 2012, the photo was published in a Jan 4, 2012 blog titled "Exercises For Stomach – Trim the Belly With Some Top Exercises For Stomach Fat." It was also published in an undated (late Mar 2012) blog titled "f 運動と食事の関係を知る." And it was published in an Apr 6, 2012 blog titled "OVERCOMING THE ISOLATION OF WORKING ONLINE." It was also published in a May 3, 2012 blog titled "Correr unas dos horas semanales nos regala 6 años de vida." And it was published in a May 8, 2012 Frugal Mom blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written here on this Flickr page. It was also published in an undated (early Jun 2012) blog titled "6 cách giảm cân sau khi sinh để lấy lại vóc dáng," as well as a Jun 2, 2012 blog titled "Esercizio fisico, un antidolorifico naturale contro il dolor neuropatico." It was also published in a Jun 6, 2012 blog titled "The SoJO 104.9 ‘National Running Day’ Playlist [SURVEY]." And it was published in a Jun 25, 2012 blog titled "Ab workout for women." It was also published in an undated (early Sep 2012) Italian blog titled "Esercizio fisico, un antidolorifico naturale contro il dolore neuropatico." And it was published in a Sep 21, 2012 blog titled "Your Mind, Your Body at Fitblogging." It was also published in a Sep 26, 2012 blog titled "Gegen den inneren Schweinehund: Eine Frage des Selbstvertrauens?" And it was published in a Nov 8, 2012 blog titled "Quick Workouts That Pack a Punch," as well as a Nov 16, 2012 blog titled "App statt Arzt." It was also published in a Nov 30, 2012 blog titled "Correr ouvindo música: descubra o efeito que ela causa na sua atividade." And it was published in a Dec 11, 2012 blog titled "Tre domande a… FISICAST."

Moving into 2013, the photo was published in a blog titled "Link Round-up: Cinnamon Rolls, a Fitness Challenge, and Plenty of DIY Projects." It was also published in a Jan 3, 2013 blog titled "Jogging When You Are Overweight," as well as a Jan 7, 2013 blog titled "5 Tips for the Jogging/Running Beginner." And it was published in a Jan 26, 2013 blog titled "退休的感觉真好," as well as a Feb 6, 2013 blog titled "HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: GETTING IT TOGETHER POST-GRAD." It was also published in a Feb 18, 2013 Italian blog titled "Si può fare sport con il soffio al cuore?," as well as a Mar 18, 2013 blog titled "[걷기다이어트]걷기 운동 재미있게 하는 법 ." And it was published in an undated (late Apr 2013) blog titled "8 Ways to Improve Your Circulation." It was also published in a Jun 14, 2013 blog titled "Does Exercising With Apps Actually Get You Fitter?" And it was published in a Jul 2, 2013 blog titled "Health and Fitness Apps to Motivate You."

Moving into 2014, the photo was published in a Jan 11, 2014 blog titled "Top Beauty Brands to Shoulder Expenses Brought About by Weight Loss Fraud." It was also published in a May 6, 2014 blog titled "5 Tips for the Jogging/Running Beginner."

Moving into 2015, the photo was published in a Mar 4, 2015 blog titled "Don’t Go Jogging in the Morning." And it was published in a Jul 2, 2015 blog titled "How To Help Your Child Lose Weight."


Note: this photo was taken 4+ years ago, in the summer of 2008, when my editing and "post-processing" consisted of little more than simple cropping with Apple’s iPhoto program. On Dec 2, 2011 I imported the photo into Apple’s Aperture program, and used its facilities to adjust the hot-spots and cold-spots in the photo. What I was particularly trying to do was lessen the blackness and lack of detail in the black outfit worn by the woman in the left. I also wanted to "sharpen" the detail of the photo, since the combination of their running motion and my own camera-shake made the focus a little "soft." But it’s a JPEG image, so I couldn’t sharpen it at all; and I was only able to achieve a small amount of shadow-lessening in the black outfit. C’est la vie … I still think this is a slight improvement — and it’s also a good reminder of why I now shoot everything in RAW, and spend more time with the details of editing/post-processing… 🙂