A few nice weight loss images I found:

Before and after weight loss surgery
weight loss
Image by jackiebese
Licensed under a creative commons share alike. Use freely but give attribution to Bariatric Solutions (a Dallas weight loss surgery center) and link to www.mybariatricsolutions.com

Before and after weight loss surgery in Dallas, TX – Bariatric Solutions

Licensed under a creative commons share alike. Use freely but give attribution to Bariatric Solutions (a Dallas weight loss surgery center) and link to www.mybariatricsolutions.com

Drink more water
weight loss
Image by katerha
Drinking water can:
Improve mood
Banish headaches
Boost energy levels
Relieve fatigue
Relieve constipation
Flush out toxins
Improve digestion
Promote weight loss
Prevent kidney stones
Boost immune system
Regulate body temperature

So stay healthy and drink more water.
Macro Mondays Staying Healthy