Some cool Yoga fitness images: Twitter 365 Project – Day 62 Image by lu_lu In the zone Had a rather exhausting, but ultra fun, weekend, so I completely surprised myself with the workout I managed to do today. Yeah, I’m trying that whole "get fit"...
Some cool fitness images: Russian twist with a kettlebell Image by MaxBHPfitness working my obliques and core with this kettle bell exercise See more exercises at please feel free to use this image and attribute...
Check out these weight loss images: Before and After becoming a Raw Foodist Image by o0_luna.lin_0o This is about a 40 pound difference. Weigh to go logo Image by joshua rhodes Dr. assisted weight...
A few nice weight loss images I found: Image from page 288 of “Canadian grocer July-December 1895” (1895) Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: cangrocerjulydec1895toro Title: Canadian grocer July-December 1895 Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors:...
A few nice weight loss images I found: Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center: Space exhibit panorama (Space Shuttle Enterprise) Image by Chris Devers See more photos of this, and the Wikipedia article. Details, quoting from Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum | Space...